Saturday, January 6, 2018

Alex– “Send it!”

Alex didn’t have the the opportunity to practice GS in the gates at all so we worked on the same issues as for slalom but practising them carving at much higher speeds. In the event the course was heavily rutted and so the first run was more like a reconnaissance – and getting 8th place was adequate.

The course was not reset for the second run and Alex was one of the last on the course – pretty horrific degradation by this time. Injuries and course management caused very long delays so eventually we hiked up the mountain to keep him warm and supple – me carrying the skis but also appreciating the activity after hours of standing around. Our timing of the serious warm up was good as the delays were not so great after that. We had decided that Alex was not to hold back in the race but to give it everything – and so have no regrets at the end. Already we had decided not to ski the ruts but to ski close to the gates (the ruts being holes and too far from the gates due to many relatively poor skiers). Alex’s second run was blistering and impressive as he focused extremely well on technique this time – overcoming all the obstacles. He had decided to “send it” and certainly did that! Managing to keep his very recent developments in technique together under such intense duress is very impressive. Unfortunately there was an apparent equipment issue just before the end and a ski pre-released so no time was recorded – but his descent was by far the most impressive that I witnessed on the day. Next time! It’s all great experience and Alex was not upset because he was just happy to have really skied well and enjoyed it – and that’s more important than anything else anyway. Alex “sent it” alright.

I’m writing this almost a week after the event due to having to drive back from Italy to France the evening of the racing and then working every day since in the biggest snow and rain storms of this century – so please excuse any poverty of detail here…

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