Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Alp Day 4

Another freezing day – but no complaints from Alp. Today’s focus was mainly on building confidence. Greater speed provides clearer feedback from the skis and allows a stronger connection with the appropriate feelings and outcomes.

Magic Wall

For the first time we consciously added “dynamics” through the “Magic Wall”. This is fully described on the fixed “Dynamics” page accessed from the menu at the very top of the blog.

Foot Forward

Our attempt at skiing on steeper ground made Alp defensive again so he was given a lesson on “Foot Forward” technique – which he is seen doing in his ski boots at the end of the video clip. Pushing the ski in the same manner as he is pushing the ski boot dramatically tightens the turn radius on steeper slopes – especially when combined with dynamics. Alp is already partially pivoting but that in itself is a harder skill to develop for steeper slopes initially – and “Foot Forward” is an important skill in it’s own right.

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